Doctor Appointment Today

I have an appointment with my primary care doctor today. I hope that he can give me something to help with my back. Every time because I think it is improving it feels worse. However, I am really worried about the appointment too. When I was in the ER for my back he told the ER doctor I had not seen him in years, which is plain false. I went to see him just a few months ago and he came to see me in the hospital back in October. I have been his patient for 18 years. I know I am his last primary care patient, and he wants to dump me, but why did he have to lie.

Stuck in bed

The last few days have been really bad. About five days ago my back started hurting. It is common for me to have back issues and they normally last a day or two. However, over the weekend the pain has got much worse to the point I am finding hard to even get out of bed.

I don’t ever remember being in this much pain.

Very long few weeks

It has been a very long few weeks. I did finally get my NAS up and running and I am very happy with the new software. I have been helping someone build a complex Excel spreadsheet to analyze data from multiple sources.

However, I have not even come close to getting done what I wanted to do. Mostly because I have been in a lot of pain. We have had extreme weather changes from snow to 70s and back in 48 hours. This has been a killer on my joints. I also have a new wound that is making it difficult to sit.

I real need to get my life undercontrol!

Restoring Files to NAS

It has been an exceptionally long week or is it two? However, after replacing one of the new drives that turned out to be bad and switching to UNRAID software the NAS is up and running. It will take a few days to restore every, especially because I have it backing-up to the cloud using MEGA as it is restored. MEGA has as 16TB plan that lets me backup both my NAS and my Plex Media Server.

Time to get away from the computer for a while, do a little cleaning and get some outside time with my puppy Ripley.

NAS Update

I am finally making progress with fixing my NAS (Network Attached Storage). I guess I really should say replacing not fixing, because I am just building a new one. I have a new (used) computer, new drives and am doing a full new installation of the software. The good thing is that recovering the data is going well this morning. Whatever was causing the error appears to have been a problem with the old computer or software, because right now the old drive is mounted in the new NAS, and I have had no errors recovering the files. I do hope I did not jinx myself with that statement.

Midnight Commander moving files from old drive to new drive

Recovering Files

Stock photo don’t open your drive

I have not posted in a few days mostly because most of my time has been spent trying to recover data from my NAS. While I still don’t know what caused it to fail, I have a better idea of what is wrong with it. The system has two 8 terabytes (TB) drives setup in what is called Raid 1 which simply put means that when something is written or deleted from one drive that action is mirror on the other drive.

Well, that is what it should have been doing. It turns out that the mirror drive has no data on it at all and that for some reason the NAS thinks the drives are 115.45 Petabyte (PB) drives, A Petabyte is 1,024 terabytes (TB) and there are no drives even close to that in size with the current largest drive on the market is 18 terabytes (as of 2022).

The recovery is going slow, and I am sure I will not recover everything, but as of this morning the most important files have been recovered. Replacement parts should be here this weekend.

First Day of Spring?

It is the first day of Sprint Yeah!!! Oh wait it is only 32°F (0°C) outside. The roomer is we will be almost 60°F (15°C) later today so I am hoping to spend a little time outside later today. I really need a relaxing afternoon flying one of my drones, because it has been a crappy week.

This week I had so much that I wanted to get done, but my back as been killing me all week, so I have made almost no progress on anything. To make things worse my NAS died on Friday. It is March and we always have high winds at the end of winter in this part of the country and with above ground powerlines in this part of town this leads to power flickers. So, I am guessing the NAS took a surge. I stupidly did not have it on a UPS.

I think I am going to be able to recover most of the data from the drive, but I really did not need the cost and loss of time recovering data and rebuilding the NAS right now. That said I need files from the NAS to work on other projects.

OH CRAP!! I wanted to include an image with this post, but they are on my NAS.